Thursday, November 26, 2015

Arctic Cheetah, I love this mech

I've only run a couple of matches in this guy but have won every one so far, my first match with the stock loadout was a glorious win on Frozen City.

I'll keep tweaking it to see how much more I can get out of this mech but it is awesome.

If you have a build on a mech you want me to try out, post up a comment!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

CDA-3F Cicada (Legendary) slightly tweaked basic build

I like this mech, straight out of the box it is extremely competitive.  Build details after the break.

The BLR-1G Battlemaster

This is my go to C-Bill raising build, I got my BLR-1G with the Phoenix mechs and this build is great for burning through Center Torsos and surviving through the whole match.  Build details after the Break